Affiliate Partners

This site has marketing affiliate links to products.  These links help support the site.   I receive a small fee for referring customers to affiliate partners, at no cost to you.  I encourage  you to shop around on partner sites, to make sure you are getting the best deal.

Double your Dating with David DeAngelo

Ronin Eternales is a participant in the Double your Dating affiliate program

Kaspersky Labs

Ronin Eternales is a participant in the Kaspersky Labs  affiliate program

Ronin Eternales is a participant in the NBAStore  affiliate program

Ronin Eternales is a participant in the MLBShop  affiliate program

Ronin Eternales is a participant in the NFLShop  affiliate program


This site might also display banners from ad or marketing networks.  These ads help support the site.  Ronin Eternales may receive a small advertising fee if you shop or purchase at one of these sites.  The basic difference between this and an affiliate link, is that I have personally shopped and or conducted extensive researched with the affiliate company.